Kamis, 14 September 2017

Lubuk jambi Waterfall kuansing, riau, indonesia

Waterfall Guruh Gemurai

Guruh Gemurai Waterfall is located in Kasang Village, Kuantan Mudik District, Kuantan Singingi Regency, Riau Province. Naming is reputedly this waterfall is taken from the sound of water that fell thunder when rushing from the hill. The word "thunder" in the local language is almost similar to the word "rumbling" which means to roar like the sound of thunder or the big waves dodging the beach (http://kamusbahasaindonesia.org/). while the rustle is the sound of splashing water that strewn when it hit the rock beneath. Thus, Thunder Gemurai can be interpreted as water that flows like roaring thunder or big waves and when falling on the ground or rocks sparks will be scattered everywhere.

To reach the attractions of Guruh Gemurai waterfall which is about 25 kilometers from Kuantan Bay, the capital of Kuantan Singingi Regency is quite easy, using public transportation and private vehicle (car and motorcycle) because the road has been paved smoothly. The direction of the road leads to Kilau Jao on the border between Riau Province and West Sumatra. When using private vehicles, 19 kilometers from Kuantan Bay or about 3 kilometers before entering the town of Lubuk Jambi, the capital of Kuantan Mudik district, the driver can pause to enjoy the panoramic beauty of Lake "Kebun Nopi".

But if you want to quickly get to, then can continue the journey up to Lubuk Jambi City. And, when it has passed the Lubuk Jambi Market, the journey will start climbing and winding in the area of ​​Koto Village (Kote Ate) which is partly a Betabuh Forest Protected Forest area to Kasang Village. Furthermore, from Kasang Village journey forwarded again for about 10 minutes to arrive at the gate attractions Guruh Gemurai Waterfall located on the right side of the highway. As a note, before the location of the waterfall there are several halls that can be used to rest while enjoying the vast panorama of nature and the flow of the Kuantan River winding.

Upon arriving at the gate, visitors must pay admission as a levy in accordance with the Perbup which has been regulated by the Regional Revenue Office of Kuantan Singingi Regency, which is Rp. 3.000,00 for adults and children Rp. 1500.00. Meanwhile, for those who bring two-wheeled vehicles charged again parking fees of Rp. 1.000,00 and four wheel Rp. 1,500.00.

Conditions and Facilities Waterfall Thunder Gemurai
Guruh Gemurai Waterfall has two outpours, one of which is about 20 meters tall. At the bottom of the waterfall whose water comes from the Bukit Betabuh Protected Forest area there is a kind of reservoir pool normally used by tourists to spend time while playing water or standing right under it for natural massage therapy. But to be able to reach it, visitors must pass a concrete ladder built between the cliffs.

While for visitors who do not want to wet, around the waterfall also provided various support facilities such as: children's playground, open performances to hold performances, place rinse, and mushola. So, visitors can not only play water, but also can watch the show art and or spoil their children in the playground while enjoying the scenery is still beautiful.


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